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With the seniors off campus engaged in their Senior Projects, just two juniors – Cam Franklin and Carter Lawrence – remained in Robert von Glahn's Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Lost Cause elective, with one month left to explore topics in depth. When asked what they wanted to learn more about, Cam and Carter chose the Battle of Gettysburg, noting that, if possible, they would like to visit the battlefield. They wrote up a field trip proposal, researched different tour options, and utilized our library to identify additional readings to inform their visit. 

Last Tuesday, armed with a detailed knowledge of the battle and stories of individual soldiers and civilians burned into their memory, the two students visited the battlefield, accompanied by Mr. von Glahn. The highlight of the trip for all three was Little Round Top, where the stories of individual regiments and soldiers came to life on the unique terrain. Building on interests sparked by the field trip, Cam and Carter are creating documentaries – one focused on battlefield surgery and medical care, and the other exploring the impact of particular decisions made in the Confederate assault of Little Round Top. Congratulations to both for using this opportunity to extend their learning through thoughtful, in-depth study.